Red Riding Hood

Final Cut

Power to the Individual

Fatal Attraction

Shy Guy

Tea for Two
It is clear that Noma is presenting a contemporary take on the working methods of that great Japanese designer Shiego Fukuda who sadly died in 2009. For comparison, here are some of Fukuda's greatest graphic hits:

Although Bar's images are digital it is interesting to note that Fukuda had little interest in the computer saying, "I want to go on thinking what creation is without computers. I believe there is a whole world out there which needs to be thought about. When I start work on a job, first I wash my hands with soap. Then I sharpen ten or more pencils. I do not use a computer. My ideas appeal to the visual sense and I use the computer within my own brain."
Another master of visual tricks and optical illusions was the old school illustrator Peter Brookes - you can see a lot of his work in the book 'The Art of the Radio Times' which is where most of these images come from:

Of course, looming large over all of this is the work of one man, a man who's working philosophy was 'Maximum Meaning, Minimum Means', a certain Mr. Abram Games...
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