Here, purely for your benefit (and in no way purely to break the mind numbing tedium that is descending upon me) is 'What I have learned this week'.
1 - Saul Bass', 'Henri's walk in Paris' is to be reissued in February.
One of the rarest children's books out there, by Leonore Klein and illustrated by the legendary Saul Bass. Bass's only venture into children's books.

And if you are a Bass fan (and who isn't? - No, really, who isn't?) then this new compendium might be for you. It's not cheap but is currently on heavy discount over at Amazon (other book sellers are available) or maybe you could ask Santa nicely.

2 - ebooks might not be the death knell of the printed book that I feared they would be. This year for the first time more ebooks sold than hardbacks. Publishers have hit back with a new found respect for the design of their printed wares. Instead of the printed book becoming obsolete, it is, instead, becoming a more desireable piece of design.
If a good looking book is something that gets your mouth watering, if a penguin book jacket is on your hitlist of dream jobs then this Guardian article might make interesting reading, as might this similar article from the Telegraph.

3 - Chess can make interesting viewing and has a tradition of madness in its grandmasters. The BBC recently aired quite an interesting documentary on the late Bobby Fischer, a very unique, American player who brought the game to the attention of the world in the early 70s. He was young, egotistical, handsome and always the source of a good quote or story. Unfortunately, he was also a very troubled soul and his story is one of triumph but ultimately, sadness. Well worth a watch whilse it's still available.

4 - Margeret Rutherford, is my favourite Miss Marple (what do you mean you don't have a favourite Miss Marple?) The films she stared in might have had little in common with Agatha Christie's books (Christie was said to have been disapointed by these big screen adaptations) but they are very pleasant viewing and Mrs Rutherford does have a unique fizzog.

and, as if Rutherford wasn't heart warming enough, the theme tune for all four of her Miss Marple outings is a marvellous piece of music with a surprisingly youthful 60s spring in it's step.
Oh and you should get your Miss Marple hits asap, before the character is ruined for ever. It has been reported that Disney have bought the rights and are in the process of putting together a vehicle for Jennifer Garner, her with the huge gob and little personality and absolutely no, and I mean NO, suitability to play the classic British character. Oh well, that'll be that ruined.
So, there you go. My week thus far. I also learned that Don Draper is a bit of a Jack the Lad, but that's neither here nor there. I'm off for a big glass of pills and a wee sip of water.
Bye (cough wheeze gasp) bye.
Indeed I have asked "Santa" for Saul Bass book, the making of videos sold me on it, as well as the content.