The day started overcast but by the time of the ceremony the sun was out. A splendid day on which to to celebrate the successful completion of years of hard work. Well done everyone!
Here are some snaps from the big day...

A small group of our graduates - sadly the bulk had legged it back to the Crown & Mitre to snaffle the complementary wine and Kendal Mint Cake.

We still got the 'classic' shot.

'Gowning' in the Fratry. As Frats became extinct in the 18th century, the Fratry is now used simply as a library.

Beardy bloke, Captain Davies, the Queen of Typography and another beardy bloke.

Now where does this go?

The University Chancellor, The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr John Sentamu, Lord Archbishop of York, kept the crowd entertained with jokes and opportunities for audience participation. We're thinking of offering him a 'Design & Illustration Thought for the Month' slot on this blog.
The Archbishop is pictured here with members of 'The King's Codpiece', the well-known Tudor historical reenactment society.
Three years of eating nothing but crumble and mint cake (both high in vitamins and iron) have resulted in us producing some very tall students. Here are a couple of graphic demonstrations. For reference, the Archbishop is about 5'10" tall:

Sarah Cowan (33) with the aid of heels.

Leanne Swift (33) in sensible 'flats'. 1-0 to Swift.

The post-graduation reception - sadly all the Mint Cake was gone by the time we got there.

Event security was provided by 'Max' (ex-NYPD).

Michael 'Mike' Tailford (33) with family.

'Knights Templar' of Typography (two generations). We'll bring you more news of Leanne Swift (pictured right) when she sends it to us.

The blog's first married couple. Abi Marsden (née Dowler) and Dave Marsden (née Marsden).

Illustrator, Amy Holliday (33) says 'cheese'.

Rosie Geissler (33) takes a break from her 'potty mouth' embroideries.
We should be hearing a lot more from Rosie in the New Year.
Finally, here's 'Mike' (33) again with some very appropriate cufflinks.

Good luck everyone and remember to keep in touch.
Has anyone else noticed that Max bears a remarkable likeness to Angus Young of out of that there AC/DC? (A bit bigger, granted).