Claire's student flat last week
We've been trying to tell Claire that a change would be as good as a rest but up until last Friday she had politely declined our suggestions to move away from 'clean media'. That was until charismatic illustration lecturer Dwayne Bell (33 1/3) lent her his copy of 'Pollock' the 2000 bio-pic of the painter Jackson Pollock (now available on DVD). Entranced, she watched the film three times overnight and by first light of Friday morning had embraced smoking, Jack Daniels and abstract expressionism (although not necessarily in that order).
On Friday morning a very different Claire stormed into the studio and recommenced work on a still life project. N.B. the Year 3 students have been working on a still life project all week - more will follow in a later post. With a cry of "let me at the **x**t**r!" she broke three H.B. pencils in two, upended a table, grabbed a 6" paintbrush, dunked it in a pot of ink and got stuck in with gusto.
The results were dramatic but there was one casualty - the carpet. During a particularly ruthless onslaught, ink was spilled and for a brief moment the 'old Claire' returned as salt, paper towels and shake 'n' vac were thrown at the embarrassing stain. Luckily no one saw and we think she's got away with it.

"No one saw... did they?"

Claire's hands on Thursday (left) and Friday (right)
Sadly, despite Claire's best efforts, the tell-tale stain remains resolutely attached to the fibres of the carpet. Happily however it has taken on the form of Billy Gibbons from out of ZZ Top and in time is likely to become as famous as 'Our Lady of Knock' or that crisp that looked a little like Gary Lineker's ear.

Billy the stain (left) the real Billy (right)
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