
Sunday 6 March 2011

Workspaces of the Staff and Students (II)

Name: Max Dubiel (21)
Nickname: Lost Frog
Team Position: Goalie
Year: 3
Course: Graphic Design
Staff/Student: Student
Location: Eastern balcony
Further Details:
West facing aspect benefiting from the best of the morning sun (from 10.30 onwards). This elevated position enjoys panoramic views of the whole studio (including the entrance lobby) and provides those of a curious disposition (or just plain nosey) hours of entertainment.

Max is a passionate editorial designer who likes to live life to the full which is no surprise as his first name is in fact short for ‘Maximum’. Last year, in his native York (famous for: Shed Seven; the invention of Yorkshire Pudding; the Yorkie Bar; the birthplace of Guy Fawkes and, its many quality, second-hand bookshops) Max had a dramatic and life-changing incident. In the gloom of a certain antiquarian bookshop on Micklegate, Max tripped over a pile of thoughtlessly stacked Jane Austens, and falling against a free standing bookshelf, was struck heavily on the head by a substantial volume entitled Celtic Lore and Druid Ritual by Rhiannon Ryall. This has resulted in him becoming a keen scholar of all things Druidic with a particular interest in the role the sun played in the rituals of these ancient mystics. As the sunrise of the Winter Solstice (December 21st) is an event of utmost significance to Druidic culture, Max decided that his position on the East-facing balcony would be dictated by where the first rays of sunlight that penetrated the gloom of the studio fell, on that momentous day.

Max seated at his Mac as the first rays of light penetrate the studio, Winter Solstice, December 21st

Max has been his year group’s student rep for three years running and so can be legitimately described as ‘spokesperson for a generation’. His workstation reflects his personality and enthusiasms – a notable innovation being his development and refinement of the Arc of Productivity™. This geometric feature sees all of Max’s possessions laid out in an ergonomic 180° arc, defined by the length of Max’s arms.
His exuberant personality also finds a physical manifestation in the expansionist tendencies of his work space. This is particularly evident in the Northern zone where it adjoins the space occupied by Sarah Cowan (21). This has resulted in a de-militarised ‘Zone of Contention’ defined by a pile of Max’s books ‘trumped’ by a large, cerulean file belonging to Ms. Cowan. This theatrical show of resistance by the feisty Sarah has thankfully resulted in a territorial stalemate and peace in the area.


Key to photo

  1. Flowering cactus (“the result of a disastrous attempt at wooing”)
  2. Hat (changes according to the season). Currently a peaked cap to deflect the morning sun (10.30 – 12.00)
  3. Miscellaneous scissors
  4. Discarded handkerchief (“I have a cold”)
  5. Periodic table of typefaces (“helps with font selection”)
  6. Ziggurat of books (including: Information is Beautiful – David McCandlees; Layout and Typography – Ambrose/Harris; Design Basics – Jim Krause)
  7. The long suffering Sarah Cowan
  8. The ‘Zone of Contention’
  9. The cerulean file of ‘No Further’
  10. ‘Out of sight, out of mind’
  11. The Arc of Productivity
  12. Druidic runes to self (translates as ‘out of milk’)
  13. Vertical feature of books (including: Graphis Annual Reports; Area and Editorial Design – Yolanda Zappatera (her real name!)
  14. 'The Slough of Despond'
  15. Here be dragons